Monday, August 27, 2012

Staging Your Home to Sell - Madison Real Estate Cafe

While most homeowners are aware that making simple repairs and upgrades are an essential part of getting their home sold, many overlook the important step of staging their home. Through the staging process, you add the little ?extras? that make your house more appealing and welcoming to potential buyers. Staging also involves taking the steps necessary to allow the potential buyer to visualize himself living in the house and making it his home. By keeping these simple staging tips in mind, you will achieve these goals while also increasing your chances of getting your home sold quickly and at a price that will make you happy.

Make it Open and Airy

The first step to staging your home is to make it look open, clean and spacious. To do this, you will first need to remove any clutter from your home. Remember, things that are not clutter to you may appear like clutter to other people. This includes things like extra books and magazines, knick-knacks, collectables and children?s toys. You may also need to remove a few pieces of furniture so the house doesn?t seem cramped and too small to enjoy. If you do not already have another place ready for you to move into, you may need to rent some storage space in order to clear out your house and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

Appeal to the Senses

?When staging a home, you also need to think of ways to engage all five of the potential buyer?s senses,? states Josh Anderson, Nashville Realtor. The more you can appeal to all of these senses, the more fondly the buyer will remember your home. Baking chocolate chip cookies and setting them out for the potential buyer to enjoy is one great way to engage the senses of smell and taste. Not only are chocolate chip cookies tasty to eat and enjoyable to smell, but the smell and taste will create the sense of home that you are trying to create. Setting out flowers in vases, opening windows to allow the sun to shine in and carefully placing throw pillows in the perfect location are other ways to stage your home for sale.

Take Yourself Out of the Equation

When tidying and decorating your home in preparation for a viewing, you should also remove any personal items that you may have placed throughout the home. Family photos, souvenirs and keepsakes are all things that transform a house into a home. Yet, if you keep your personal items on display, it will make it far more difficult for the potential buyer to visualize anyone other than you living in the home. By removing this obstacle, it will be far easier for the buyer to visualize herself making your home a happy nest for her family.

About The Author ? As a licensed real estate agent, Deb Henne blogs for in her spare time.


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